Who am I that the Lord of creation should bleed and die for me?
This was brought home to me recently and made me think very carefully - Who indeed am I? - Certainly never ever worthy of such grace and love as this!
That the son of God the most high Lord went to the cross for me is almost beyond the realms of possibility that He could leave His home above, take on the form of a man, come to earth to save me blows me away.
When you think of it - the King of the Universe - A King!! THE King - bleeding and dying to take my punishment and why?
Romans 5:7&8 says (NLT) Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good, but God showed his love for us that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.
Hard to believe! - that Jesus died to take away the sins of the whole world - He didn't die just for the holy and 'good' people of the world - He died for the sin laden the world - Jesus died for me - the worst of sinners.
Now matter where you are - no matter how dark the place is where you are - no matter where you have been or who you have been with - no matter that your sins are forever before you - no matter that you are weighed down with the guilt of your sins............
JESUS loves YOU - yep - loves you with the deepest of love - a love that drove him to Calvary and beyond - a powerful all consuming love - a love so powerful that it broke the chains of death and the grave couldn't hold Him any more.
A love that burst through the very portals of death and confirmed the promise that we too can be victorious over death, sin and all sorts of temptations in fact anything that Satan can throw up at us.
Satan can have no hold over us - Yes it's that simple.
All we need to do is accept and believe that Christ died us and be willing to give Him our entire lives and no longer live for ourselves.
We are not and never will be saved by our good deeds. Good deeds will never earn us a place in Heaven.
If that was true then Jesus died for nothing - He died in vain - We are only saved by His grace. A free gift that no one can earn. All we have to do is to accept that gift, renounce living for ourselves and commit our lives to Him as Master and Lord.
So who am I that the Lord of Creation should bleed and die for me?
I am a child of God - bought by His sacrifice and blood spilled on Calvary - The King of creation and Lord of the universe.
I was bought by His blood - I live by His promise - I have conquered death by His resurrection
Welcome to our Blog: We entitled it "MY TRIBUTE" because, hopefully it is just that - a tribute to Our God and King - our Almighty Saviour and friend. Usually the thoughts we have put here are aspects of our lives as Christians where we have either been blessed or have been challenged by God's Holy Spirit. Maybe there are some older posts as well that may help in your walk with Christ. I trust as you read you are blessed and encouraged in your walk with Jesus.
Sunday, 15 July 2012
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