Is anger ever justified?? Is there room in our lives for feelings of anger?
Is Anger a sin - Jesus got angry!
Jesus' anger was a righteous anger fuelled by those in the Temple of God using this most holy place to make money for worldly gain. These people had counterfeit godliness - they were passing themselves off as having a rightful place and duty being there. They were so called 'helping' others to attain sacrifices and changing money - but their main aim was to feather their own nests and grab as much money as they could.
They had abused the Temple and perverted the intention of it entirely.
Jesus was furious! he made a whip and drove them off - scattering the money on the floor - which was a good place for it - He certainly didn't keep any of it at all - His intentions wasn't to gain money but to purge the place of the vial sinful nature that had permeated thoughtout the Temple and so return it to it's rightful status - and that was to be a place of the Most high God.
It is interesting to note that the very next thing Jesus is doing is healing the blind in the temple the very place he was whipping and expelling those that profaned it - Jesus shows that all are welcome in His house and he shows mercy and love to those who humbly seek his face.
So, Jesus sees straight through our pretentions - he sees our motivations (scary when you think of it) He knew what those guys were up to - He knew their hearts - and so he was justly angry!!
So How about us?
Satan is a pro when it comes to temptation and one of those ways he uses to tempt us away from God is our anger - Don't know about you but my anger can sometimes get the better of me.
Our anger can cause us to lash out at a loved one - usually as strange as it sounds at the one you love the most!
Our anger can make us do reckless and sometimes dangerous things maybe behind the wheel of a car. We can go ballistic in front of strangers and family.
In sport we can resort to pushing or taunting. At school, uni or work, jealousy can lead to anger and anger to violence - I'm afraid it is all too common.
So being angry isn't a sin . There are plenty of injustices in this world that deserves our anger. However, sin comes bounding in when we allow that same anger to stir up feelings of vengeance and hatred.
Tragedy and grief can also cause anger - in fact anger is one of the classic stages of grief.
For believers and non believers alike - God is a favourite target of our anger! We can blame him for doing or not doing what we perceive as our right, and the proper way the problem should have been handled.
Either way the end result is a damaged relationship with God.
The next time you are tempted to get angry with God - look at the long term- instead of anger give Him your feelings and take a step closer to Him whether you feel like it or not,
Are you suffering, like me, with anger - Don't let it simmer away in your life.
Take it to God as soon as it hits you - recognise it for what it is - call it by name - verbalise it.
Ask God to help you to let go of your feelings - because that is what they ultimately are - just feelings.
Do something with them - lay them at the feet of Jesus before you do something you'll regret.
Welcome to our Blog: We entitled it "MY TRIBUTE" because, hopefully it is just that - a tribute to Our God and King - our Almighty Saviour and friend. Usually the thoughts we have put here are aspects of our lives as Christians where we have either been blessed or have been challenged by God's Holy Spirit. Maybe there are some older posts as well that may help in your walk with Christ. I trust as you read you are blessed and encouraged in your walk with Jesus.
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