As I get older I am realising more and more just how forgiving My God is.
When I look back on my life and see the incredibly stupid decisions and mistakes I have made and how I have botched up heaps of areas in my life I remember just one thing that God is amazing and awesome and in his awesomeness he has forgiven me and will always be my wonderful Saviour and Lord.
It was years ago that I came to a pretty clear decision that I needed God.
I came as young person to ask forgiveness and accept God's free gift of a clean slate and a chance to 'start over' with Him. Did than mean that I would live a spotless life without mistakes? - NO!! - but it did open a miraculous door to be able to tap into the everlasting forgiveness and mercy of our Great God.
I was a bit too young to realise at that time just how big that decision was, but I thank God for it because I can honestly say that he has never let me down.
God is so willing to forgive only because His love is just so deep and it is His deepest desire that everyone comes to Him. He doesn't want to turn anyone away.
I, unfortunately constantly let Him down but He has never failed me. Does that mean I have lived a life without things going wrong? - DEFINITELY NOT!! - things happen in my life that happen to everyone. Sickness, financial worries, death, job security - you name it - but through it all God has been there always willing to talk to me and comfort me and through His Word and prayer to give me hope and courage to face the future.
Does it mean then that I will never make mistakes again? - I wish!! but NO!! Unfortunately mistakes and sin are inbuilt in all of us and being human yes I guess it will happen again - Will God forgive me again if I am truly sorry and come to him - of course he will - amazing!!
God also gives us the strength to walk away from mistakes and sin if we let Him - He does say in the Bible that "He saves us FROM our sin" - meaning from the sin that we are about to commit.
All I can say is - keep Him close - as close as you can at all times - ask Him by His spirit to live in you and control your thoughts and deeds.
God is not only forgiving but he is just and Holy.

So God sees us as holy as well - whew!! But only if we accept Him into our lives.
God is the source of every good thing in our lives. He is the one who daily gives us strength and a reason to have hope and faith. You can tap in to the divine strength today.
Years ago I said a prayer like this:-
Dear God,
Thank you for sending Jesus to die for me.
I am truly sorry for the sins and mistakes I have made.
Please come into my life and take control.
Don't ask me how but God's spirit can come and take up house in our lives and change us. He did it to me and he can do the same for you.
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